Tuesday 4 November 2008

An Idiots guide to blogging...

Lots of people have an image in their mind about the kind of people who blog. Geeks, nerds, computer buffs, frustrated teens and people with nothing better to do with their time. I myself thought the same and for this stereotype even entering my head I must apologise sincerely.

I had kind of been blogging myself without even realising. Posting on forums, news websites and discussion boards; creating profile after profile, I hadn't realised what was staring me in the face....I love the online world; the interaction, communication and diversity.

Everyone has a blog inside them, those thoughts in your mind, the ones that usually stay internal. The best thing about blogging is you can put those thoughts out to the world, to an almost anonymous army of people out there. People who comment on your thoughts, they can rationalise things you normally wouldn't get a second opinion on. You can also test your writing and get questions answered like 'Am I interesting?!'. 'Do people care about what I have to say?'

Well these questions, and many more, I now hope to be answered through the medium of blogging. I will be sharing parts of my life and thoughts. They say everyone has one good novel or book in them, well here is mine!

Enjoy my procrastinations, ramblings and scramblings and please let me know what you think.

If there's anything you would like me to blog about then please suggest it!

I hope you enjoy the read.

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